woensdag 30 november 2011


Warning: this post contains images of vagina's and probably is not safe for work.
that having been said, let me start this blogpost..

A few weeks ago I started a project to get more in contact with my own body. I decided to create artwork for certain parts of the body, researching a different body part each week.

To get started on this, I figured I'd work on the most taboo bodypart first: the vagina. I researched, brainstormed about-, meditated on-, sketched, and eventually sculpted vagina's (mostly vulvas). Below are a few sketches, and the sculptures.

The sculptures can evoke strong reactions in people, from very positive and happy ones ("wow cool!!"), to mildly negative ones ("ewww gross!"), and ofcourse the cleaners at school who decided to rip them off the wall and throw them away. I guess that's what happens when you enter an area that is taboo. It definitely get's very interesting. I want to explore this subject further and dive into the (cultural) taboo's surrounding the vagina, but also explore the visual side of it.


vrijdag 4 november 2011

don't think, just do

Just doing.. It does make me more happy and productive. I hope my work will be good enough as well :)

woensdag 2 november 2011


beeld door: Yvonne Keesman
beeld: Gerben Boersma

morning creativity

The people who know me, know that I'm always trying out new things.

So currently I have a new thing that might actually stick (though I say this about all these things I try out!). Before I start on the school work, I take some time to create something for myself. Usually it is either a mandala, or a page in my personal visual journal. I love the freedom of being able to do everything I want, before moving on to the assignment stuff.

Here are some of the morning pages, that I wanted to share with you. (click to enlarge)